Icons With Background Colour Icons without Background Colour
Out of the above two which one do you like, your choice is up to you but most people like the second one ( icons without background colour )
The only problem with the icons with background colour is whenever you set a new desktop wallpaper you may need to select different background colour for your icons too so that they look better with your new wallpaper.
But there is setting both in windows XP and vista to make the background colour of icons as transparent.
Let’s see how to do it.
Technique # 1
For windows XP and Vista
1. Right click on the My Computer, select properties.
2. Click on the Advanced Tab ( as shown in the image below ).
3. Click the on the Settings button, you will see a new window showing numerous number of options related to the GUI of windows. ( as shown in the image below).
4. As highlighted in the image above make sure to check the box which says “Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop“. and click Ok 2 times.
5. That’s it ! Done.
Technique # 2
“ You can’t be displaying a web page as your background. To check this, right-click on the desktop and choose Properties. Select Customize desktop on the Desktop tab, then select the Web tab on the desktop items window and deselect any web pages that are shown.”
I had a jpeg as my desktop background and somehow a web page was still clicked in this menu. gotta love the logic of windows!
Technique # 3
Four things are required for transparent icon backgrounds:
1.Control Panel-System-Advanced-Performance Settings.
Check “Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop” on the Visual Effects tab.
2.Right-click on Desktop – “Arrange Icons by” and ensure Lock Web items is cleared.
3.Transparency will not work if you have web content on your desktop, Control Panel – Display Properties – Desktop tab – Customize Desktop - Web tab. Clear all check boxes or just delete all web content.
4. Ensure the Wallpaper is an image file not HTML.
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