Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How to convert Java Project to Web Project in Eclipse Ganymede, Europa

Sometime we just need to convert our Java Project to Web Project in Eclipse IDE.

Here is some of the reasons you may need to convert Java Project to Web Project

1) Create / import a wrong project type
2) Initial java project migrate to java web project
3) Maven create a Java Project (eclipse:eclipse), but we need a web project feature.
4) Others…?
No mater what reasons we need to convert java project to web project. Eclipse does not provide a feature to convert it automatically. We have to do it manually.

Here is the steps to convert Java Project to Web Project in Eclipse

1) Create a empty dynamic web project and click on the .project file
2) Copy “web project” facet buildCommand and paste within “java project” .project buildSpec tag
3) Copy “web project” facet nature and paste within “java project” .project natures tag
P.S Be careful of the .project xml tag, make sure you paste into a correct location.
4) Save it.
5) Right click on Java Project, click properties.
6) Select Project Facets and click modify project button.
7) Click Dynamic Web Module and Java check box.

Please check with Manuals. Author is NOT responsible for any misinformation / incorrect information or typographical errors.

NOTE: If you would like to share any useful info, please mail to the authors.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Using Java 5.0 Generics With Wildcards, Extends and more

Using Generics With Wildcards and Extends

By John Zukowski

Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5.0 (J2SE 5.0) introduced generics to the Java programming language and
platform. In the simplest case and typical usage, generics allow for the identification of what you want
 to store in a collection. So instead of saying that your program has a List ofObjects, you can now
specify that you have a List of String objects or some other class type. Then, if you accidentally
try to add something to the List that is of the wrong type, the compiler notifies you of the error and it
can be fixed at compile time, rather than having to wait until you run the program and the program
reaches the point in code where the fetch operation produces a runtime casting exception.

This brings up a second benefit of generics. Iterators now become typesafe. The next()
 method of the Iterator interface returns the typesafe version of the next element of the collection.

 Most people don't fully understand the use of the extends keyword when using generics
A typical example shown to explain the use of extends has to do with drawing shapes. Instead, this
 tech tip will use an example that uses Swing components so that you do not have to create extra
new classes. In a very limited case, the class hierarchy for Swing button components is shown here,
with Object as the real root:

|- Container
   |- JComponent
      |- AbstractButton
         |- JButton
         |- JMenuItem
            |- JCheckBoxMenuItem
            |- JMenu
            |- JRadioButtonMenuItem
         |- JToggleButton
            |- JCheckBox
            |- JRadioButton

One thing that all AbstractButton subclasses share in common is a getText() method. So in the spirit
of generics, you can define a method that takes a List of AbstractButton items and return a List
of the String labels of those buttons. Here's the first version of such a method:

public static List<String> getLabels(List<AbstractButton> list) {
    List<String> labelList = new ArrayList<String>(list.size());
    for (AbstractButton button: list) {
    return labelList;

And here is how you might use the method. First, define a List of AbstractButton types, fill it up,
and call the method:
"Hola, Mundo" is the Spanish translation of "Hello, World," according to Google. The results of

List<AbstractButton> buttonList =
      new ArrayList<AbstractButton>();
  buttonList.add(new JButton("Hello"));
  buttonList.add(new JCheckBox("World"));
  buttonList.add(new JRadioButton("Hola"));
  buttonList.add(new JMenuItem("Mundo"));

  List labels = getLabels(buttonList);

 the println() call is as follows:

[Hello, World, Hola, Mundo]

With a List of AbstractButtons, everything functions fine, but this breaks down when the List
is of something else, specifically a subclass. One would logically think that with a List of JButton
 items, everything would work fine, because JButton is a subclass of AbstractButton. Shouldn't you
 be able to call getLabels(List<AbstractButton>) with a List of a subclass of AbstractButton?

List<JButton> buttonList = ...
  // ... Fill list ...
  List<String> labels = getLabels(buttonList);

Well, that isn't the case. Because this is a compile-time check, and because the definition of getLabels()
 is defined to accept only anAbstractButton List, you cannot pass anything else to it. The
compilation-time error message follows:

GetList.java:13: getLabels(java.util.List<javax.swing.AbstractButton>)
  in GetList cannot be applied to (java.util.List<javax.swing.JButton>)

    List<String> labels = getLabels(buttonList);
1 error

And this is where the extends keyword comes in handy. Instead of defining the getLabels() method to
accept only an AbstractButton list, define it to accept any List of AbstractButton subclasses:

public static List<String> getLabels(
      List<? extends AbstractButton> list) {

The wildcard ? here says that the method doesn't care what the exact class type is, as long as it is
a subclass of AbstractButton. Here's a complete example that puts all the pieces together:

import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class GetList {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    List<JButton> buttonList =
      new ArrayList<JButton>();
    buttonList.add(new JButton("Hello"));
    buttonList.add(new JButton("World"));
    buttonList.add(new JButton("Hola"));
    buttonList.add(new JButton("Mundo"));

    List labels = getLabels(buttonList);


  public static List<String> getLabels(
        List<? extends AbstractButton> list) {
    List<String> labelList = new ArrayList<String>(list.size());
    for (AbstractButton button: list) {
    return labelList;

Now, when you are defining your own classes and methods with generics and are thinking of accepting
 an abstract class as the generic argument, or any superclass, remember to use wildcards so that the
same method works best with subclasses too.

For more information on generics, 

1. see two earlier tutorials by Gilad Bracha: a 2004 tutorial (PDF) and the generics
 lesson in the online Java Tutorial.

2. Who wants to really understand wildcards to read this paper by Bracha and Torgersen:

4. The best on-line reference for programming with Java Generics: http://www.angelikalanger.com/GenericsFAQ/JavaGenericsFAQ.html

Please check with Manuals. Author is NOT responsible for any misinformation / incorrect information or typographical errors.

NOTE: If you would like to share any useful info, please mail to the authors.

Ganex Improves .. Headline Animator